Blackweek Announces Women’s Registration Package and Pricing to Address Pay Inequities and Gender Pay Gap in Advertising

May 20, 2024

The Gendered Pricing Seeks to Address Wage Gap Disparities for Women of Color Interested in Attending The Blackweek Economic Forum

NEW YORK (May 20, 2024)–Blackweek Economic Forum 2024 announced today its pay equity pricing, in the spirit of economic empowerment. The decision directly addresses the fact that women and women of color are still underpaid compared to their male counterparts.

Women earn an average of 16% less than men in the United States. For every dollar earned by men, women earn 84 cents. The pay gap varies significantly by race and ethnicity. In 2022, Black women earned 70% as much as white men, while Hispanic women earned only 65%. The Blackweek Founders and Steering Committee decided on a 30% increase on the regular price of registration for those not affected by the gender pay gap to acknowledge the barriers to entry for women and women of color to the industry’s elite spaces.

“We are not seeing gender equity happen fast enough in compensation and in leadership roles. In the absence of the obvious solution – immediately raise the salary of every woman and especially women of color in your company, to be at parity with men doing the same jobs – I applaud Blackweek’s approach to ticketing. Blackweek is the opportunity for our industry stakeholders to step up and put their money where their mouth is, and I look forward to seeing who does and who doesn’t,” said Cindy Gallop, Founder of Make Love Not Porn and member of the Blackweek Steering Committee.

The Blackweek Economic Forum seeks to be a groundbreaking event that will serve as a testament to a shared dedication to actively reshape the advertising and media industry. With visionary disruptors taking the mainstage and moderating discussion like Cindy Gallop, Gary Vaynerchuck, Madeline Nelson, Alia Kemet, Trevor Edwards, Kate Williams, Amber Guild, Ross Martin, Aaron Walton, this conference will become an essential platform for dismantling old paradigms and nurturing substantial transformation. Blackweek 2024 promises to be an enlightening event, focused on dissecting what’s working, identifying areas for improvement, and collaboratively devising strategies to pave the way for a more equitable and inclusive future.

Blackweek will be held at Spring Studios October 15-18, 2024. It will be focused on tapping into the economic power, potential and influence of Black and diverse consumers. The forum will be centered around disrupting and reconstructing the ad and media industry with decision makers that can turn around and enact change. This learning event will be focused on dissecting what’s working, what’s wrong, and mapping our ways to make it right. The keynotes, panels, and fireside chats, will draw a crowd of multicultural diverse professionals to downtown Manhattan ready to engage and drive action – putting the tough conversations that the industry often is afraid to have, up on the main stage.